Product Boost: Snag Tights

My blog is completely independent, which means I get no sponsorships and no funding and no one buys ad space (though if you want to throw some money at my Patreon, I’m not going to stop you). All of which is to say that this product boost is here because it’s a product I own and use and love, and I think more people of size should know about it.

If you have ever shopped online for a dress or clothes of any kind, you might start to see ads for Snag Tights. Their tag line is “Tights that fit” and they promise “We’ve got your size” from size 2 to 32. Naturally, I was skeptical, having heard similar claims before. I was especially concerned because I generally wear clothes over a size 32, and I have commented before about how plus size doesn’t stop at a 32 (or 28 in most cases). But, the site offers 15% off 5 items, I had a special event I was going to, and my wife also wanted to try them. Between the two of us, we placed an order for our tights, a mix of the opaque and semi-opaque offerings.

One drawback of this product is that the company is located in the UK and it took a LONG time for the tights to arrive, upwards of 3 weeks. And the tracking information wasn’t as robust as I’m used to for most of my online shopping. But the tights arrived in time for the event, and on the night of the party, I cautiously slipped on my brand new black Snag Tights.

Oh. My. God. They fit! They fit so great I almost couldn’t believe it. Not only did they stretch comfortably over my thick thighs, they stretched perfectly over my butt. Not once the entire evening did I have to pull at my tights because they were sagging or sliding down at the waist. Even when I was sweaty from dancing and had to use the restroom, the tights pulled down AND pulled back up again without any issues. Never have I had tights as comfortable as these before. Never have I finished a night and regretted having to take my tights off. I immediately became Snag Tights’ biggest fan.

The thing I love about this company is obviously that they deliver on what they promise, but more than that, they actually have people modeling their tights that look like the people that would wear them. I can’t tell you how awesome it is to go to their site and find models who look like me! Models of size. Models of color. Models in wheelchairs. Models with assistive devices. Models wearing tights regardless of gender expression.

Also, all the products come in all the sizes. There’s no limiting the fun colors to just the smallest sizes. I bought myself a pair of the Suffragette Purple initially and I can’t wait to branch out into some of the other colors. In addition to tights, there are chub rub shorts for the summer.

I am so excited to be able to wear my dresses and skirts year round and feel comfortable the whole time. If you’re looking for tights and can wait for them to arrive, I can’t recommend these products highly enough.