Pandemic Onset Fat Phobia
It’s been hard, in this time of uncertainty and fear over a world-wide pandemic, to find the energy to write about body positivity, fat acceptance, and fat liberation. But as more and more states and cities close their non-essential and non-life-sustaining businesses and facilities, the fat phobia has surged. There’s no shortage of it during normal, non-pandemic times, but as gyms all over the country close and lock their doors, the fear of becoming fat permeates the landscape.
From a FB friend…
Stop. Don’t do this bullshit. Especially don’t do it to yourself. This is an unprecedented crisis and no one knows where it will end. Or when. I understand rampant fear. But if your biggest fear in this crisis is about gaining weight—and not about an unchecked virus running rampant through your community and possibly killing hundreds of thousands if not millions of people—then you need to check your privilege. And if all of that is actually what you’re afraid of and you need an outlet for it, please, I am begging you, do not put it on your body that is just trying to get you through the trauma, fear, and panic. There are plenty of at-home workout videos you can do for joyful movement that don’t require you to go to a gym or have any fancy equipment.
Be kind to your body during these troubling times. And be kind to others no matter what. We are all struggling.