Summertime While Fat

Existing while fat is hard enough when it’s not 90-degrees Fahrenheit and 100% humidity out, but then when it is that hot and humid, it becomes a whole other minefield to negotiate.

Twitter user roo_jenna was followed into her church bathroom and berated by a church leader for the crime of wearing jean shorts while fat. The video is hard to watch, but kudos to Jenna for standing up for herself and recording this woman who wanted to forbid Jenna from singing and leading worship because of her fat hatred. Jenna lives in North Carolina, where it is hot approximately all the damn time.

And that’s just one instance that one person experienced in the last few days. This fat hatred is constant and it only gets amplified in the summer.


Look, it’s HOT out there. Being fat means sweat and sweat in places that are supremely uncomfortable. A body needs air flow so that the sweat can evaporate off of the skin. So sometimes we show our legs and our arms and (gasp) sometimes even our bellies. No one gets to shame another person for wanting to be comfortable, regardless of their size. So the next time you see a person (fat or not) wearing a short skirt, or a tank top, or a crop top, or a bikini, and you feel like offering your opinion on whether they can or should be wearing them, just keep it to yourself and mind your damn business. It’ll be better for everyone involved.