Protesting While Fat

It’s been particularly hard for me to decide what to write lately, especially in the face of massive worldwide protests against racist police brutality in the wake of the murder of George Floyd. Nothing I had seemed adequate. I have no stories of being on the front lines of the protests, using my whiteness as a way to speak out against the ongoing atrocities. I have felt and do feel guilty that my fat, disabled, queer body can’t stand up and be counted among the rest of those who are horrified at the continued violence perpetrated against black male bodies, black female bodies, and black trans and queer bodies. My heart kept coming up against my physical limitations, and on top of the anger and sorrow I felt, the frustration was almost overwhelming.

Fortunately, I have a fantastic fat community around me, and a friend reposted some great advice from a fat activist on Instagram. Tracy Cox, cofounder of Angry Fat People (aka @sparklejams), posted some advice for fat protestors. With no first-hand experience of my own, I wanted to use this chance to pass this information along. All credit to @sparklejams for the great advice. I will leave you only with this: All rights are intersectional. What comes from fighting for the rights of some will help with the rights for all. It is important that each community supports the rest. So while today we are fighting for Black Lives Matter, tomorrow we will fight for something else. This advice isn’t just for now. It is for everything we fight for tomorrow.